Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain

What Your Heel Pain Means to You

You have noticed that after a long day of your busy schedule, you have had pain in your heels radiating across your foot.

You have tried foot baths, massage, and resting your feet, and while these home remedies temporarily help, the pain is always there.

Dr. Luis Perez of Hollywood Podiatry Associates, located in Hollywood, FL, and serving Pembroke Pines, FL, and surrounding areas, is available for your scheduled visit to discuss your heel pain and possible treatment options.

Causes of Pain In Your Heel

Pain in your heels can be general and difficult to deal with, as it has many causes. Below are some things that can cause pain in the heel:

  • Inflamed tendons
  • Bone spurs - extra bone formations
  • Bursitis - Bursae cushioning joints become inflamed
  • Stress fractures - Too much constant bone pressure
  • Plantar fasciitis - A long, thick band of Plantar Fascia along the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed
  • Tendonitis - Achilles or flexor - in the heel bone can be an inflammation of this tendon.
  • Bone Bruise - Internal bruise caused by stepping on an object 

Signs and Symptoms of Pain in the Heel

Some signs and symptoms of heel pain include:

  • You experience stiffness in the morning or at bedtime, that may wear off after you get the joint flexing from walking.
  • You notice swelling in the heel, bottom of the foot, or surrounding the ankle.
  • There is tenderness or pain in the heel area from standing after sitting for a while.
  • You may notice discoloration in your heel that is red or slightly purple from bruising.

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Pain In The Heel

Firstly, to diagnose any heel pain, our doctor will need to perform a thorough physical of your feet. They will also ask you about your medical history and the signs and length of your pain. Our doctor may also order an X-ray or ultrasound if there may be soft tissue damage. X-rays do not show tissue damage, such as heel damage from a heel spur. If there is an Achilles problem, it may require surgery to repair and tendon tears.

Treatment of heel pain can include simple interventions such as the use of NSAIDs for inflammation, shoe orthotic inserts, corticosteroid injections for inflammation, swelling, and pain relief, physical therapy that includes stretching and exercises for relieving pain, and medical taping, which can relieve pain and swelling.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Call Dr. Perez of Hollywood Podiatry Associates at (954) 923-1800 in Hollywood, FL, serving Pembroke Pines, FL. Our doctor awaits your scheduled visit to discuss treatments to lessen your heel pain and increase your quality of life.

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Hours of Operation

*We are closed from 12:30pm to 1:30pm for lunch

Hollywood Podiatry Associates


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm



